As promised last week, I’m back with some pictures of my beloved plants. This time, I gathered some information about my preferred one, the plants that I know and consider as really easy to grow, and I have made some printable that you can print, cut and sting in pots! (available at the end of this post. Only in french at the moment…)
If you like the idea, and if there is a particular plant that you would like to see as a printable, just let me know and I’ll make some for you! Max three (or for, if I receive a lot of propositions)
3 easy plants I’m used to care for

Crassula (Jade species)
Light: bright light or / and sunlight
Watering: low
Temperature between 15 and 25°C
One of my favorite! It needs almost nothing except light and sunlight. But be careful of the window, do not let it burn.
It is best to water thoroughly and then let the plant dry out between waterings, approximately once every 2 weeks. During winter, once every month.
If it has enough light, its leaves will colour up in the sun.
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Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily
Light: Medium, indirect sunlight.
Watering regularly
Temperature between 20 and 22°C
Air cleaning plant
Of all the flowering house plants, Peace Lily care is probably the easiest. In fact, it tolerates average indoor conditions better than many house plants.
This plant needs regular watering, approximately once a week. During winter, reduce amount of watering, and place your plant in a colder room.
Like many other plants, it likes bright light but no direct sun. Will tolerate low light, but may bloom poorly.
Aloe Vera
Light: Medium, indirect sunlight
Watering regularly / moderate
Temperature between 18 and 21°C
Aloe Vera is not a difficult plant to care for.
You probably know this plant for its propreties. Particularly for its health benefits and its gel well known for skin care.
Mine comes from Canary Islands, where Aloe Vera is really common. As it is originated from south, it needs a lot of light, but no direct sunlight or it will burn. To many people it looks like a cactus with fleshy thorny leaves. In fact it is a member of the Lily family, like garlic and onions.
It won’t need to be watered very often, maybe once a week or two. In the summertime you can really soak the soil, but let the soil dry out between waterings. Water your Aloe sparingly in the winter.
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Light: bright light or / and sunlight
Watering: regular
Temprature: between 18°C and 22°C
Air cleaning plant
Again, this beautiful is one of the easiest, if it has enough light and sun.
Unfortunately, mine is suffering from a lack of sun, and leaves looks tired. So, when it’s possible, I leave my plant outside, to let it enjoy a bit of sunlight. It needs a regular watering, let’s say every 4 or 5 days. Wait for a dry soil before watering, and reduce during the winter.
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Light: Medium, indirect sunlight
Watering regularly / moderate
Temperature around 20°C
THE easiest plant to take care for. It will gives you flowers if it has enough light (but no direct sun, or just a bit in the morning or at the end of the day.)
Water it once a week, when the soil is dry. Water sparingly in the winter.
This plant doesn’t need a lot of water, so if you it forget sometimes, it doesn’t really matter.

Orchid (Phalaenopsis species)
Light: Medium, indirect sunlight
Wattering: regular
Temperature between 18 and 21°C
Most of the time, Orchids have a reputation for being difficult to grow when in fact, if it’s the case for some of the species, the Phalaenopsis are very robust. And it’s the most common type of Orchid!
Well exposed to light (no direct light), and well maintained, Orchids will offer you flowers regularly. Mine gives me flowers approximatively every 3 months.
When the first blossom is finished, just cut the stem just above the “eye”, and if you are lucky, an other flowering will start. Otherwise, just cut the stem at its base.
Give water regularly, twice a week. But do never ever let its roots sit in water, or your Orchid will die quickly. Reduce wattering during winter.
And here is an example:
I’m off soon for holidays, so I’ll probably post less during July… but it’s also means that I’ll have more time to create new posts.
See you soon and take good care of your lovely ones! 🙂